Saturday, August 16, 2008


Good news! Steal Tomorrow is now available in Kindle format. I don't know anyone who actually has a Kindle, but what the heck, right?

The entire first chapter of Steal Tomorrow is up now and I hope to have a short story "Extra" sometime this weekend.

If anyone is not too crazy about the formatting on my Steal Tomorrow blog or would prefer to read the story in full chapters instead of segments, it's being serialized at Readers and Writers Blog, starting Sunday. Readers and Writers blog also hosts other good reads, including Waiting for Spring by my new blog pal R.J. Keller. Check it out!


Thomma Lyn said...

Great news, all! And congrats on ST being serialized at Readers and Writers Blog. That's exciting! :)

R.J. Keller said...

Very cool about R&W Blog! I can't wait to start reading it there.

(And, of course, thanks a bunch for the mention...)